jay dubless
JoinedTopics Started by jay dubless
Mormon ambush at Walmart
by jws inwhile one might expect to have girl scouts trying to sell you things outside walmart.
today i brought my son to the walmart grocery store and as we were getting out of our car, mormons approached us.. they asked if i knew who they were.
and if i'd talked to them before.
David Gilmour Sings Shakespeare's Sonnet 18
by cantleave inthis is rather wonderful............... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=s8osse7w9fs.
Proof of Heaven book - anyone read it?
by jay dubless init was released a few months ago.
it is not religious propaganda.
written by dr eben alexander, a neurosurgeon, who went into a coma for a week, and his subsequent journey into the afterlife.
New member says hey
by jay dubless ini have lurked now and then, just decided to join.. my older brother and i were raised by our jw mom, but our dad was a non-practicing catholic.
so we went to the hall, but were considered "weak" witnesses, since our family still celebrated xmas and birthdays, to appease my dad i suppose.
as a kid, i loved these holidays.. anyways, when my brother was 17 (i was 13), he spent a few weeks with our cousins in ky, who are all gung-ho j-dubs, and upon his return, he decided he was going to be more "theocratic".